Children and Adolescent Services

Psychological Assessment
Evaluations offered include:Learning Disabilities (children and adult)
ADHD (children and adult)
School Accommodations (with or without a previous diagnosis)
Learning Disabilities (children and adult)
ADHD (children and adult)
School Accommodations (with or without a previous diagnosis)
What is a Pediatric Neuropsychological Evaluation? Pediatric neuropsychology is a specialty that focuses on learning and behavior in relationship to a child's brain. A pediatric neuropsychologist is a license psychologist with specialized training in how learning
Dr. Boutin has treated hundreds of our military veterans and their families in assisting them in dealing with the emotional problems associated with the traumatic events they experienced while serving in our Military. In addition, Dr. Boutin has helped countless Military Veterans to receive the benefits
During 2020 and because of how the global pandemic affected our lifestyles, the landscape of healthcare is forever changed in the United States. One of these big changes is the widespread acceptance of telehealth methods. Among these methods are online therapy and teletherapy.
As a trusted and established multispecialty practice
We are a 3 partner General Medical Practice in the heart of Catford, London. We currently have 5 salaried GPs, 2 Practice Nurses, 1 Health Care Assistant and a dedicated administrative team.
We offer a complete range of medical services including maternity care, baby clinics, immunisations, general medical and surgical care, minor surgery, contraception, screening and health promotion for both men and women.
We offer a complete range of medical services including maternity care, baby clinics, immunisations, general medical and surgical care, minor surgery, contraception, screening and health promotion for both men and women.Maecenas sit amet tincidunt elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas lorem. Nulla facilisi.